

Release Date: 2024-MM-DD

Engine Version: 5.4


  • Add support for named parameters in function call commands

  • Add $ Sleep built-in command

  • Add $ Wakeup built-in command


  • Refactore the Replace Variables function to handle nested variables patterns

  • Add a Boolean return value to the Script reference's remove function, and a log message


  • Add a content menu entry to create custom Sprite Box blueprints

  • Add support for Paper Sprite asset type in the built-in Sprite Box's Show function

  • Add support for Paper Flipbook asset type in the built-in Sprite Box's Show function

  • Add support for File Media Source asset type in the built-in Sprite Box's Show function

  • Add support for Material asset type in the built-in Sprite Box's Show function

  • Add the Size function to the built-in Sprite Box

  • Add the FlipH function to the built-in Sprite Box

  • Add the FlipV function to the built-in Sprite Box


  • Add Find Property By Name utility function

  • Add Is Same Unique Net ID utility function

  • Add List Files utility function

  • Add List Subdirectories utility function

  • Add Launch File utility function


  • Fix a missing header preventing the plugin source code from compiling on Linux (clang)

  • Fix a broken reference warning when packaging the game

  • Fix an outdated code preventing the built-in Dialog Box's tags from working

  • Fix an issue where a script reference of the same name can't be added twice

  • Fix a misleading error message when Update at Runtime is enabled while playing a transient script

Last updated