
Route to another script

Travel is actually a built-in function disguised as a Router statement. It works as other routers, navigating from that point to a given target, but differently from a Router statement, the Travel built-in function allows you to target another script.

The target Script is referenced using its id or Script Reference by Path.

$ Travel @MyOtherScript                        // By id
$ Travel {&/Game/MyOtherScript.MyOtherScript}  // By Script Reference

You can also route directly to a label inside the target Script.

$ Travel @MyOtherScript LabelName                        // By id
$ Travel {&/Game/MyOtherScript.MyOtherScript} LabelName  // By Script Reference

Be aware that the Travel built-in function will immediately terminate the current script playing and start the target Script in a new Interpreter instance.

Travel Pass

It's often required to keep the current script and interpreter settings while travelling from one script to another. The $ Travel built-in function will start the new script in a clean instance.

If you need to keep the current settings, use the $ TravelPass instead. It works the same as $ Travel, but it makes a copy of the current Interpreter and keeps Interpreter and Script settings.

Last updated